For Family Home Evening Asher had the lesson. He talked about giving gifts and how it makes you feel good ( I am sure it has nothing to do with receiving them either :) We made Chore sheets for each boy and wrote down a few chores for each day. The boys are going to start doing a few extra chores a week to earn money for Christmas presents for one another. We did this last year too and it worked out really good. It is nice watching the boys spend their hard earned money on someone else. Elijah is usually so excited when he buys the gifts that he usually says "Asher it is not a book", with a huge smile that tells all. He did it on his birthday a few months ago so I am sure he will do it again for Christmas too, he is so cute! Elijah had the game and it was one of those make it up as we go, it was a twist of mother may I and tag. Elijah kept telling us what to do but forgot to trick us into getting out, so we basically just followed everything he did for twenty minutes. He kept giggling and Asher kept looking at me and whispering "This is boring". By the end I had convinced Asher to pretend like it was fun, Luke thought it really was fun and Elijah thought he made up the coolest game ever! We topped the night off with ice cream- YUMMY! I am making my kids addicts too, poor boys!
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