Monday, October 3, 2011

FHE Idea

Last night for family home evening we had a lesson on Prayer. Like most kids, my children pray about the same things over and over and as fast as possible. So we talked about all of the things that we can pray about. Then we colored prayer sheets and drew a picture in the center about one thing we are grateful for. Asher was grateful for knowing when to choose the right, Elijah was grateful for our house, Luke was grateful for Spiderman :) and I drew a picture of the world. Daddy had to work again but he was impressed with the kids drawings.

For the game we actually did something out of Asher's Scout book. We talked about cooperation and then played this bean game. The boys stood on a chair and below was a plastic cup, they had to see how many beans they could get in the cup within a minute. Asher was a pro and got 106! Elijah got 5 and Luke got 3. They loved this game and it was totally easy. I love how kids can be entertained with the smallest things. Sometimes I think we try too hard.

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