Monday, September 19, 2011

FHE Idea

For family home evening we read the story Blobs. I have looked on the internet for it and haven't been able to find it anywhere, I am also not sure where I collected it. Some of you may have already heard it but i'll post it anyways.


There was a blob who was a glob of nothing much at all. He wasn't exactly short or wide or thin or fat or tall. Or little or flat or big huge or anything you might see. A kind of quiet, rather sad and lonely blob was he.

One day the blob went walking down the road to find a friend. He met a round ball and he stopped. "Play with me?" said the blob to the ball. "I'm lonely as I can be." The red ball frowned. "If you are not round then you can not play with me!" Was the blob round?

The blob sobbed and started walking again. Next he met a square block and he stopped "Can you play with me?" asked the blob. "I'm as lonely as I can be" Said the blob to the square "Beware if you're not a square then you can't play with me!" Was the Blob a square?

So once again the blob walked down the road. He met a sail boat whose sail was a 3 cornered triangle. And he stopped "Play with me" requested the blob to the boat. "Have you got 3 corners like me?" replied the triangle. Did the blob have 3 corners like a triangle?

Sadly, so sadly the blob walked on. Pretty soon he met a star. "Play with me" pleaded the blob to the star "I'm as lonely as I can be". The star replied "If you don't have points, then you can't play with me!" Did the blob have any points like a star?

So the blob kept walking and who do you think he met? Another blob who was a glob of nothing much at all. Who wasn't exactly square, or round, or thin, or wide, or tall, or anything you might see, who smiled and happily said, "will you be friends with me?" And what do you think the blob said? "YES!"

DC 18:10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God
Dessert Jello Jigglers (Blobs)

We cut out the shapes- blobs, triangle, circle etc. And gave everyone a part so they were participating.

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