Monday, April 18, 2011

Pride & Prejudice

I know that I have been neglecting this blog this past week.  My reason for it is due to Pride & Prejudice.  I have never read this book or seen the movie before.  Of course I've heard of it.  My mother bought me all of Jane Austin's books for Christmas and I decided I must finally read Pride & Prejudice.  I've heard so much about it and how much everyone enjoys it.

There has not been a book since Twilight that I have obsessed over so much.  I couldn't put it down and every spare moment that I had I devoted to reading this book.  I felt a little inferior reading this.  They spoke so different back then.  There were many times I had to re-read sentences to understand what they were saying.  I also felt as though I needed a dictionary to look up the true meaning of the words.

Do you ever feel bad upon finishing a book because you don't want it to end?  That's how I felt about this book and I wanted to watch every movie made about it.  I just finished the BBC version.  Not the best acting but it was made in 1980 and it was very much to the book.

I recommend if you haven't read it go read it!

1 comment:

  1. P&P is one of my all time favorites. Keep posting about books! I need to add to my list and love to hear about good recommendations.


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