Thursday, September 8, 2011


This is the companion book to Gracelings.  I can't say that I loved it but I didn't hate it.  I'm beginning to think this author is a feminist or at least has some strong opinions in that area.  Her main characters are always anti-marriage and kids.  Character's are suppose to grow and change into something better in the end and I was really hoping that in Gracelings she would but she never did.  In this book I think the character did but  you don't know 100%.

This book was darker then the first book and there was a LOT of casual sex.  I kept thinking the characters were older then they were and picturing like 35-40 year old instead of 15-20.

This book is for young adults and I don't think it sends a very good messages toward teens.  I wouldn't let mine read it.  This is just my opinion

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